Milton Keynes Air Rifle Club

On target since 1999

Your first visit
Your first visit must be arranged via the <Contact Us> function at the bottom of the home page.  First visits will always be arranged for a Club Day, which will be a Sunday.  You will be given contact details of the person who will look after you for your visit, together with additional information necessary to access the farm.

       As we're situated on a working farm and shoot in a field, some areas can be muddy, especially in wet weather. We’d advise
       you bring a change of footwear, such as stout boots or wellies. After all, we don’t want you to ruin your favourite trainers!

When you arrive, you should be met by your club contact; otherwise ask a club member to direct you to a member of the committee. After signing in and an all-important safety briefing, you will be able to shoot with one of our Club guns. There are a number of Club guns, if you are left-handed, it's a good idea to mention this in your "Contact Us" submission, so we can make sure we have a suitable gun available. 

       Safety in shooting is extremely important so please observe the range rules at all times.

The club has one trained instructor and several helpful and able committee members who will get you into shooting safely. 

If you're bringing your own gun we only allow air rifles developing less than 12ft/lb and pistols developing less than 6ft/lb to be shot at the club.

What does it cost to shoot?

If you’re using a loaned rifle or pistol, your first 50 pellets will be available without charge as a welcome to the club. After that, we ask you to purchase your own from one of the local shooting shops; we can offer guidance about which pellets to purchase. Pellets supplied by the club may not be taken away.